StMM Council 15979 delivers the Declaration of Independence
On May 6th #15979 FS Nick DiBartolomeo presented Saint Margaret Mary School Principal Wendy Sims with one of two copies of The United States Declaration of Independence, received from KofC Supreme, which Brother Nick beautifully framed for display at the Parish School. The other copy, which Nick also framed, was donated to the StMM Parish Picnic Silent Auction.
StMM Council 15979 serves at 8th Grade Graduation Celebration
Saint Margaret Mary Pastor Rev. William D. Hammer, white apron, led Council #15979 KofC Brothers Mike Baumer, Mike Mitchell, Jeremiah Malone, & Bill Moriarity in grilling hundreds of hamburgers & hot dogs for Students & Parents at the 8th Grade Class Graduation Celebration on Tuesday, May 17th!
Membership Honor Roll 5-20-16
Insurance Honor Roll 5-17-16
St Margaret Mary’s Day at the Louisville Abortion Center
On March 9th, St Margaret Mary Parish’s Assigned Day at the Louisville Abortion Center during the 40 Days for Life Lent Prayer Campaign, Mrs. Susan Brooks, Mrs. Amy Craft, and StMM KofC #15979 Brother Mikey Small were praying outside of Louisville’s Abortion Center. A vehicle pulled right up in front, and a man in his forties got out and came over to talk to the StMM Prayer Team. They were apprehensive at first but soon realized he was a man in pain.
He thanked them for what they were doing and said he wanted to make a contribution. He pulled out his wallet and handed the Prayer Team $40. He said, with tears in his eyes, “Many people want to say that abortion is a woman’s issue, but it’s not. It’s a man’s issue, too. I had an abortion when I was in College. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about how I killed…murdered…my child.”
The man said he is now married with several children; a Catholic, and belongs to a parish here in Louisville. He said, “I can’t even share my opinion at work because of fear of others’ opinions.” He also related that his wife tells his daughter that abortion is a woman’s decision.
They invited him to join in prayer with 40 Days for Life, but he said he couldn’t because he was too recognizable and was afraid it could hurt his business. They told him we would pray for him and mentioned Project Rachel, which helps those who have experienced an abortion find healing and peace.
Twenty-eight members of the StMM Catholic Community volunteered to pray and witness at the Louisville Abortion Center on March 9th. SK Michael Ryan serves as StMM KofC Council #15979’s Culture of Life Chairman and was once again instrumental in signing up the Parish’s turnout for Life.