I want to thank everyone who helped in making this years Wednesday’s Child Christmas Program a tremendous success again this year. This was the 22nd year of the annual event. Thanks, to all the Knights of Columbus councils across the state who donated time, money or both to making Christmas for so many children so much better. Brother Knight Clyde Hayes started the Wednesday’s Child Christmas Program 22 years ago so these kids could have what they wanted for Christmas, and he worked tirelessly towards that goal. Clyde was taken from us in 2018 but his legacy is still going strong thanks to individuals like yourself. We had the annual Christmas Pizza Party December 4th at the Main Event for the kids where the kids enjoyed all the games, all the pizza they wanted and of course Santa passing out the presents. Again, Thank You for all your support. We presented a check at the Wednesday’s Child Telethon on WLKY-TV December 9th in the amount of $12,500.00.
Steve Arnold DD