Culture of Life Program
What your council can do:
Appoint a “Pro-Life” chair couple to represent your council. Their names should be recorded on the Form #365, “Service Program Personnel Report,” that is to be sent to the Supreme Council by August 1st. This form is in the “Council reports Form Booklet” that each Grand Knight receives at the beginning of each fraternal year from the Supreme Council. It is also important that this information be submitted to me as your State Culture of Life Director.
Make a financial pledge or donation to the Kentucky State Council Culture of Life Program. Checks should be made out to “Knights of Columbus Culture of Life” and given or mailed to the State Culture of Life Director.
Have your council sponsor at least one major Culture of Life activity during the fraternal year. This should be reported to the State Council Culture of Life Director immediately upon completion. The absolute deadline for reporting these activities is April 1st.
Those council that complete these activities and report them will receive the State Council Culture of Life Award at the Kentucky State Convention in May
Other activities that councils are encouraged to do:
Strive to keep aware of proposed bills and tactics of the pro-abortionists and others that are attacking the sanctity of life. Council members should be advised at meetings and through council bulletins so that they can participate in an effort to return the country to a moral and traditional status. Telephone committees and special bulletins on radio and television are other means that can be used to keep members informed if they are to maintain an active and constant campaign against abortion and other life-ending issues.
Review the Supreme Council Program Book, “Surge—with Service”, Pro-Life activities. This book is sent to each Grand Knight and to each Culture of Life Chairman.
Seek out and associate your council with other pro-life groups that are in your area. Encourage council members to become active within these organizations. I am sure they need and would welcome not only the volunteer hours but also monetary support.
Subscribe to pro-life publications in order to enable the council to become educated on all pro-life issues. Search the internet for other sources of information on pro-life issues.
Dave & Sandy Holzwarth
Culture of Life Chair Couple
113 Parker Place
Georgetown, KY 40324
(859) 333-5703