Church Activities
As we enter into a new fraternal year, we once again are battling challenges to the Catholic Church and Christianity as a whole from the ACLU and other anti-religious groups. To combat these movements, we have to display our God and our religious beliefs whenever and wherever possible. As a Knight advances through our degrees, he pledges to maintain unity; to practice virtues of charity and brotherly love; to exemplify in all his relations with his fellow man the sublime teaching of the Holy Mother Church. The Knights of Columbus is first and foremost a Catholic men’s organization. The pledge and dedication of any K of C Council to its local church should be a matter of profound satisfaction to the pastor. Now is the time to show our local churches and our communities that there is a need for the strength, character, and tradition of service that are the essence of every Knights of Columbus Council.
It should be the goal of every council across the state of Kentucky to be more visible and active in their local parishes. Some suggestions on achieving these goals are as follows:
Pastor Meeting
Set up a meeting between the pastor of your local parish and your program personnel. What is expected from your council in the way of leadership, special talents, financial aid or maintenance of church property? Present a calendar of upcoming council events and ask for support and assistance for these K of C Activities.
Corporate Communion
Some councils use the fifth Sunday of a month for a Memorial Mass for deceased Knights and encourage the members of the council to receive Holy Communion at that Mass. Some have a breakfast for the council members after the Mass.
Lay Ministers
Encourage members of the council to serve as lay ministers in their parish. Many members already serve as commentators, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and ushers.
Icon/Silver Rose
When the Marian Icon or Silver Rose is scheduled to come to your council, encourage the members and parishioners to take part in this devotion to Our Blessed Mother.
Religious Life
Support and encourage vocations to the Religious Life. The RSVP program is an excellent means to support vocations.