“Parish Priest” Blessed Michael J McGivney was written by Fr Al DeGiacomo (Cathedral of Christ The King) with music by Fr Jeff Estacio (St Lawrence) and Nancy Douglass was performed as a 2-night event Friday, August 11th/12th at the Cathedral of Christ the King fellowship hall. The script told the story of our founder, Blessed Michael McGivney from his first day at St Mary’s Church in New Haven to the founding of the Knights of Columbus.
Total attendance for both shows was 650, including Bishop John Stowe, State Officers, Culture of Life Director, and several priests from the Diocese. The cast was made up of Knights from 14130 and parishioners through open auditions. There was no cost for admission, but donations were collected and concessions sold with proceeds going to the Don Bosco Afterschool Learning Center (Fr Jeff’s home parish) and Assurance Women’s Health Clinic (ASAP) The proceeds were divided 50/50, with each beneficiary keeping any checks written specifically for them.
The total collected was $7,642, with $5,121 going to Assurance Women’s Health Clinic (ASAP) and $2,521 going to Don Bosco.