On church lawns or grounds around the country, including here in Lexington, white crosses are placed in rows signifying the loss of life to an abortion. Each October and January you will find the stoic and somber view of 2’ tall crosses, neatly placed to remind passerby’s of the sadness and senseless loss of life. Weather during these months can make placing the crosses twice a year a challenge to keep them intact and ultimately need to be replaced due to wear and tear.
When the crosses used at Christ the King Cathedral (council 14130) came in to disrepair the Knights saw the need and began to develop a plan to replace them. Shortly thereafter, a brother Knight suggested that this is a perfect project for his son’s Eagle Scout project.
After a while of fundraising and establishing the specifications to build a prototype, Cameron Schnelle took on the challenge. Instead of the pine wood that is prone to splitting, he chose ash. Cameron acquired the lumber and paint and went to work, cutting each to the proper size, assembling them with a wingnut for storage, and painting them them all. With a little help from fellow scouts of Troop #93, and some of his father’s supervision, Cameron built 280 crosses!
At the completion of his project, Cameron came to #14130’s meeting to show the completion of his project. Well DONE Father and Son!
Attached are pictures of the effort during the process of making the crosses.
Pictured are Fr. Prabell, Chris Schnelle, Cameron Schnelle, and Grand Knight Doug Spear. Submitted by brother Chris Luketich.