The Farther D. council #16274 in Louisville participated in the Tootsie Roll drive.
Elizabethtown Tootsie Roll Drive
Council 1455 in Elizabethtown has been participating in the Tootsie Roll drive to raise funds for the mentally disabled for many years. They have donated over a quarter of a million dollars since they started this endeavor.
Elizabethtown Knights of Columbus Council 1455 recently presented a check for $5,500 to ARHHC, Inc. to support its ongoing programs and activities. These include their annual Summer Recreation and Retention Program for intellectually and mentally disabled school age individuals. Their other major activity is Project LEARN for adults with intellectual and mental disabilities. Presenting the check is Jim Skees, KC Tootsie Roll Chairman to Clara Harrison, President of ARHHC, Inc.
Elizabethtown Knights of Columbus Council 1455 recently presented a check for $500 to the Music & Arts Center of Cultural Learning (MACCL) in support of their annual Special Arts Festival held in April. This festival provides a wide variety of fun arts activities for over 200 children with disabilities from Hardin and surrounding counties. These funds were used to help cover the cost for music therapists, crafts and supplies for students. Presenting the check is Jim Skees, KC Tootsie Roll Chairman to Victor Collins, Director of MACCL.
39 Brothers attain full Knighthood
On Saturday October 24, we had 39 Brother Knights attain full Knighthood due to the completion of the 2nd and 3rd Degrees. A special thanks to Worthy Grand Knight, Greg Johnson and the Bishop Spalding Council 02761 in Louisville Kentucky for hosting both degrees. Moreover, a big thanks to District Deputy Ken Rosenbaum for leading the 2nd Degree Exemplification and District Deputy George Hayes for leading the 3rd Degree Exemplification. We also had two special guests attend the 2nd/3rd Degree exemplifications. Worthy State Deputy Frank Shay and Regional Program Consultant from Supreme, Joseph Pietruszynski, PSD.
Knights of Columbus Partner with Local Pregnancy Center
Above, from left, Squack Jones (Kentucky State Charities Treasurer) and Kevin Pike (Grand Knight, Father Diemert Council #3379, Vine Grove) look on as Frank Shay (Kentucky State Deputy) presents a matching funds check from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council to Shannon Goodrich (Executive Director of Crossway Pregnancy Resource Center, Radcliff). Local Knights of Columbus Councils, with the support of churches and community members at large, raised the required one-half of the cost of an ultrasound machine in order to qualify for Ultrasound Initiative matching funds to benefit Crossway PRC.
Two decades of service
St. Louis Bertrand Council 10683 gave an award to Joseph Kuzwara for two decades of chairing a fundraiser for St. Joseph Orphanage. Over the two decades the council donated $5,000 to the Orphanage.
Council 16232 charter presentation
Council 16232 Christ The King in Scottsville received their charter from State Deputy Shay and State Secretary Cabral on October 18th.