Supreme has announced a new initiative. You can read the entire text in the December issue of the Columbia Magazine found here.
Or you can watch the speech below.
Supreme has announced a new initiative. You can read the entire text in the December issue of the Columbia Magazine found here.
Or you can watch the speech below.
Our brother Knights marched in the Veterans Day Parade in Louisville on November 11th.
The Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Council #14372 in Lexington had a Mass and reception to honor World War II veterans.
State Deputy Frank Shay presented Fr. Prabel with the 2014-2015 Recruiter of the Year Award.
The San Pablo Council and the Christ the King Council teamed up to raise money to help offset the cost of the Thanksgiving meal that the Catholic Action Center in Lexington serves to the homeless. For the past several years, all the councils in Lexington have come together to cover the cost of the meal and they plan to do this again this year. As the price of turkey goes up, so does the cost. The two councils decided to hold the fundraiser, not only to raise money for a worthy cause but also to bring these two cultures together for a night of delicious Mexican food and good conversation. Before the meal was served, there was a bilingual Mass at the Cathedral. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Paul Prabell and Fr. Carlos Martinez.
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