Basketball Slam Replacement Teams:
Donation to Reath Riding Center
The Kentucky Association for the Mentally Disabled made a donation to Reath Riding Center in Taylor County to be used for a pony drawn cart for the riders. District Deputy #11 Luke Williams presented the check to Sammy Garrison. Photo by Brother David Gault.
Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Sisters of Notre Dame
On Sunday, February 21, 2016, Fr. Kehoe Council #1764 Knights of Columbus in
Ludlow hosted its 20th Annual Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Sisters of
Notre Dame Mission in Uganda. The Motherhouse for the United States Sisters
of Notre Dame is in Park Hills. It was held at their Notre Dame Academy
High School Cafeteria.
The event when it started out benefitted both the Catholic Inner-City
Schools in Covington and the Sister’s Mission in Uganda. It now benefits
the Sister ever-growing Mission in Africa. Sister Mary Margaret, the
Coordinator for the nuns said “The Knights are always so friendly. They
wear a smile and enjoy working together. Not only are the Knights
committed, guests attend the pancake breakfast year after year to help the
Knights support the Sister’s worthy mission. They are fun to work with”.
Grand Knight Fred Porciello said “This is what the Knights of Columbus are
all about – charity. When we can help the Sisters, we feel good about what
we do. The Sisters are always grateful and thank us over and over.
This year was the best pancake breakfast in the 20 years of the event.
There were 535 breakfasts served and the profit for the Mission was over
Councils give $10,000 to support seminarians
Some representatives from the Knights of Columbus of Northern Kentucky presented Bishop Foys checks in the amount of $10,000 on February 29 to provide support to the Diocese of Covington’s 20 seminarians.
Pictured L to R: Father Ryan Maher, Cathedral Rector; Larry Sendelbach, Fr. DeJaco Council #5220 Alexandria; Fred Porciello, Grand Knight Fr. Kehoe Council #1764 Ludlow; Most Reverend Roger J. Foys D.D., Bishop of Covington; Bill Kopp, Faithful Navigator Bishop Flaget #307 Fourth Degree of Northern Kentucky; Chris Puckett, Grand Knight St. Timothy Council #15211 Union; Dick Wilson, Grand Knight Fr. Bealer Council #3908 Erlanger; David White, Grand Knight Bishop Ackerman Council #5453 Burlington; Carl Biery, Past State Deputy; and Father Dan Schomaker, Vicar General of the Diocese.
2nd and 3rd degree at Kehoe Council
On February 28th, 23 men completed their journey to full knighthood at a 2nd and 3rd degree held at Father Kehoe Council #1764.
St. Mark Council 12852 check for ultrasound machine
St. Mark Council 12852 presents a check for an Ultrasound Machine to the Pregnancy Help Center in Richmond.
Bishop Stowe Blessing the Ultrasound Machine donated by St Mark Council 12852 to the Richmond Pregnancy Help Center. More lives will be saved.