Some representatives from the Knights of Columbus of Northern Kentucky presented Bishop Foys checks in the amount of $10,000 on February 29 to provide support to the Diocese of Covington’s 20 seminarians.
Pictured L to R: Father Ryan Maher, Cathedral Rector; Larry Sendelbach, Fr. DeJaco Council #5220 Alexandria; Fred Porciello, Grand Knight Fr. Kehoe Council #1764 Ludlow; Most Reverend Roger J. Foys D.D., Bishop of Covington; Bill Kopp, Faithful Navigator Bishop Flaget #307 Fourth Degree of Northern Kentucky; Chris Puckett, Grand Knight St. Timothy Council #15211 Union; Dick Wilson, Grand Knight Fr. Bealer Council #3908 Erlanger; David White, Grand Knight Bishop Ackerman Council #5453 Burlington; Carl Biery, Past State Deputy; and Father Dan Schomaker, Vicar General of the Diocese.