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Council 12623 Sponsors Baby Box
Radcliff KY gets a Safe Haven Baby Box thanks to Knights Council 12623.
In 2019, the Kentucky Legislature passed House Bill 155 called the Safe Haven Baby Box Bill. This Bill, who’s primary sponsor was Nancy Tate, allows a woman to surrender her child without penalty the first 30 days of the baby’s life. There are 120 Baby Boxes currently in operation throughout the United States, with 12 of those boxes in Kentucky.
The latest Safe Haven Baby Box was placed in the Radcliff Fire Station in Hardin County, KY. Council 12623, (St. Christopher), sponsored this box. Mike Henderson, a member of the Knights Council, learned about the first baby box in Kentucky which was installed in Louisville last summer. By September, they began fundraising to build one in Hardin County with raffles and other efforts. Council 12623 raised $13,975 for the Box.
The City of Radcliff had the ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, August 10th. Monica Kelsey, who founded the Baby Box System was there along with Rep. Nancy Tate (Sponsor of HB 155), Mayor J.J. Duvall with other city officials and the Knights from Council 12623, Gary Dykhuis (State Advocate), Grand Knight Jose Gonzales and Mike Henderson were also there.
The Culture of Life Director, Dave Holzwarth said that the goal is to have a Safe Haven Baby Box in every county in Kentucky. Information on how to go about getting a Baby Box where needed will be presented in the coming months.
Thanks again to Knights Council 12623 for the great work they have done getting this Box in Radcliff. Included are some pictures from the Ribbon Cutting ceremony.

Dictionaries for 3rd Grade Class
For the 18th year, Knights of Columbus Council 7847 provided new dictionaries to the Third Grade class of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School in Hopkinsville. George (Jerry) Brockman initiated this program in 2004 and has continued to lead the presentation of the dictionaries each year. Jerry encouraged the students to use the dictionary every time they encounter a new word while reading and to make that new word a part of their vocabulary. He then held a short contest to see which student could be first to find a special word. The first student to find the word was asked to read the definition to the class. That student received a “prize.” Council 7847 also presented a new dictionary to the teacher, Ms. Fentress. Submitted by: Richard Hornbeak, GK

Clergy Appreciation Dinner
Fr. DeJaco Council 5220 Alexandria hosted a Clergy Appreciation Dinner, on August 10, 2022, for Clergy and Deacons in the Covington Diocese.
Bishop Iffert led everyone in prayer, prior to the meal being served.
Event was well attended and the State Council was represented by State Deputy Tom Johnson, Regional Chaplin / State Membership Director Fr. Phil DeVous, State Program Director Fred Mead, State Executive Secretary Mike Rinehart, and District Deputy Paul Motz.
Before washing dishes and clean up was completed, Bishop Iffert and State Deputy Tom Johnson ended up in the kitchen.
Thank you to all the Brother Knights, cosponsoring councils and assemblies, and especially Fr. DeJaco council for hosting and sponsoring an enjoyable evening.

K of C Golf Classic Check Presentation
The Northern Kentucky Knights of Columbus held their 13th Annual Golf Classic at the Devou Golf and Event Center on Saturday, July 23rd. The Golf Classic has raised $135,000.00 over the past 13 years for the Catholic Charities Life Line Fund. This year’s check for $15,000 was presented at our monthly Bishop Flaget Assembly 307 meeting on August 25th at Fr. Bealer Council 3908 in Elsmere, KY.
Submitted by: Keith Cahill

10263 & 3929 Eucharistic Procession at St.Luke
Congratulations to Greg Rhineheimer (and his wife) for organizing and orchestrating a beautiful procession of the holy eucharist in Nicholasville.
The St. Luke parish and council #10263 hosted a wonderful mass followed by a eucharistic procession prior leading into their parish picnic. Assembly #3929’s Color Guard assisted with many #10263 Knights and families in attendance.
- Greg Rhineheimer – Incense Bearer
- Canopy Bearers: Brendan Vesey, Bruce Keenon (#3929); Landon Sexton (#14130)
- Color Guard: Tony Turner, Mark Brown, Cameron Peck, Damon Sexton, Chris Luketich
To my knowledge, this was the first Eucharistic procession in KY in the new fraternal year. Thank you Fr. Aldrin Tayag for the invitation to participate as well as to all the Knights present at mass. Way to go council #10263 and assembly #3929.
Submitted by: Chris Luketich