The Northern Kentucky Knights of Columbus held their 10th annual golf classic on Saturday, July 14th at Twin Oaks Golf & Plantation Club. The Knights of Columbus Golf Outing Committee presented Alan Picket, Executive Director of Catholic Charities with a check for $13,000. Over 10 years the Knights have raised over $88,000 for Catholic Charities’ Lifeline fund. This fund supports the Adoption and Pregnancy Counseling program and provides a safety net to women facing an unplanned pregnancy while they develop and carry out either a parenting or adoption plan for their children. Pictured at the check presentation from left to right is Deacon Bill Theis, Dustin Reed, Chair Bill Koop, Vicky Bauerle, Catholic Charities, Alan Pickett, Catholic Charities, Chair Carl Biery, Bob Merkle, Keith Cahill, and Chair Dennis Elix. Committee members not pictured: Dave and Suanne Ledonne, Fred Porciello, Don Ward and Wayne Brown
Knights Hold Clergy Outing
On August 8 the Northern Kentucky Knights of Columbus hosted its 17th annual Clergy Outing at Father Kehoe Council in Ludlow. This is an opportunity for the Knights to show appreciation for the clergy by providing them with a relaxing picnic with a steak or chicken dinner. Approximately 65 clergy attended along with 55 Knights.
Submitted by:
Deacon Bill Theis
Council 1301 serves breakfast at Henry Hosea House

15979 Brother Jonathan Means possibly sets new Record for Advancement in our Order
Brother Jonathan, having completed RCIA and welcomed into the Church this past Holy Saturday, promptly completed his 1st Degree on 10 MAY 2018, his 2nd & 3rd Degree on 09 JUN 2018, and then finally advancing to the 4th Degree on 23 JUN 2018. Jonathan, the #15979 Program Director for 2018-2019, leads the StMM Knights in serving the Homeless at Louisville’s Cathedral of the Assumption Soup Kitchen up to six Sundays a year.
Sir Knight Jonathan Means, still proudly serving our Nation as a First Sergeant in the Kentucky Army National Guard, was warmly welcomed by Faithful Navigator SK Joseph Carter, Jr. and voted in by Faithful Comptroller SK Vincent Faller and Brother Sir Knights of Saint Francis De Sales Assembly #3228 of Fairdale, Kentucky.
Assembly 310 earns Kentucky District Master Award
Assembly 310 was awarded the Kentucky District Master Award for the 2017-2018 Fraternal Year. The assembly received the award at the 4th Degree Exemplification in Owensboro. Cameron Peck presented the award to the Assembly at the regular business meeting the following day. This meeting happened to be held at a brother knight’s home while they were having their summer cookout.
2018 Tom Wiseman Memorial Open Golf Scramble
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