There is a 4th Degree Exemplification in Murray, KY on April 6th, 2019. All the information is in the documents below.
St. Mark Council 12852 2017-2018 Knight of the Year
St. Mark Council Grand Knight, Ed Louisignau, presented Kyle Francis with the council’s 2017-2018 Knight of the Year Award.

Religious Freedom Event
The Knights of Columbus was well represented at the Institute for Religious Liberty’s “Religious Freedom” event Thursday evening February 7, 2019, held at Thomas More University.
The Knights were given up front, reserved seating, at the seminar, by Caitlin Dwyer – Instructor of Theology at Thomas More University.
Arch Bishop Lori was presented with a 2018-2019 Knights of Columbus Kentucky State Pin.

Pictured are Brother Knights with our Supreme Chaplin, Arch Bishop Lori.
St. Edward the Confessor Council 15841 earned Star Council Award
At the February business meeting, State Warden and Former District Deputy Dick Burns presented the Star Council award to St. Edward the Confessor Council 15841’s Immediate Past Grand Knight Michael Lohuis for the 2017-2018 fraternal year.
Another ultrasound machine in Kentucky
On January 10th, Bishop Foys blessed the newest ultrasound that the Knights of Columbus have placed here in Kentucky. Council #14993 raised the funds to purchase this machine that will be saving lives at Rose Garden Mission.
Council 14372 starts 1st Spanish speaking roundtable in Kentucky
Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Council #14372 started the 1st Spanish speaking roundtable in Kentucky. Tonight, 5 new knights were brought into the council. These 5 men along with a couple of transfers from another council are starting the roundtable.
Pictured above are the 5 new brother knights along with State Hispanic Coordinator Steve Hernandez, Grand Knight Jeff Terhune, and State Deputy Cameron Peck.