Bishop Mulloy K of C 1301 recently served their quarterly breakfast at Henry Hosea House. The knights purchase, cook and serve the breakfast. The guests had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage and / or goetta, peaches, and orange juice.

Bishop Mulloy K of C 1301 recently served their quarterly breakfast at Henry Hosea House. The knights purchase, cook and serve the breakfast. The guests had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage and / or goetta, peaches, and orange juice.
Bishop Ackerman Council 5453 and Bishop Flaget Assembly 307 hosted a memorial mass for deceased Brothers on Sunday, November 24, 2019, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Burlington. Following Mass, members attended a breakfast at Pee Wee’s Place in Crescent Springs.
Bishop Mulloy Council 1301 recently bought, cooked, and served supper at Northern Kentucky University Newman Center. The evening started off with an apologetics session by Fr. John Bullock, LC.
Next, the Knights joined the students at Mass. We were impressed by how reverend the students were at Mass.
After Mass, we recited a few prayers, and then gathered upstairs for a meeting. Upcoming events were discussed and they allowed Bob Hassman, our Grand Knight, to tell a little bit about the knights and give a membership pitch. We started the seed and already have one student who asked for an application.
Next came the food. We had plenty and they ate plenty.
The students were most gracious to us for giving them a meal and even happier when we told them they could keep the leftovers.
Father John stuck around to hear confessions and a few of us gathered for a final picture.
Submitted by Deacon Bill Theis
The battle flag on the right has a sign where it was last flown. The base was under seize from Vietcong. Special forces were called in to save the men. After all the men were evacuated under fire, the last copter was leaving and pilot noticed the flag was flying at the base. They went back in under fire and cut the flag down so Vietcong could not capture the flag. Our Brother Sir Knight Norman Geist cut the flag down and stored it. The next time The flag flew free was on our float on November 11th, 2019. When the judges learned of the flag history Norman and his wife Kelly stood in front of the people of Cadiz and Norman told his story. Needless to say, we won the Judges Award.
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There is an invisible wound of war that is only beginning to draw public attention. In addition to mental and emotional suffering, moral injury represents the spiritual dimension of trauma. This important and timely topic is brought to life with searing emotion in Warriors to Lourdes, a new documentary film produced by the Knights of Columbus. This 28-minute film highlights the transformative experience of the annual Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage for wounded, ill and injured veterans seeking physical and spiritual healing. Through very personal accounts of men and women in uniform, along with those of military chaplains, the film showcases the life-changing impact of this spiritual pilgrimage. These stories reveal that sometimes the greatest acts of courage occur not on the battlefield but inside the human heart.
WTL-2020-BrochureMore information can be found here.
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