On January 18th, 2020 St John St Francis Council 11470 celebrated 25 years of being an active and vibrant council. It was on December 1st, 1994 that the council received its Charter from Supreme. Since that time the council has grown from 34 members to over 180 members and has volunteered 188,485 man-hours to parish and community service activities, visited the sick or bereaved 13,760 times, donated 1,162 pints of blood and provided 8,372 man-hours of Fraternal Service.
The council has raised $369,979.08 dollars and in turn, has donated $310,355.46 to parish and community needs. The most recent donation was a new Ultrasound machine to Assurance Women’s Health Clinic in Lexington.
The council was honored to have Bishop John Stowe not only celebrate mass with our members, wives, and guest but he also attended the banquet celebration at Cardome. The council was honored to have our Chaplin Fr. Linh along with every State Officer and their wives in attendance. We were also pleased to have nine of our charter members present.
There were many complimentary comments about how nice everything was, how grateful folks were that they were invited and how happy they were that they attended the event. Those present received a pamphlet outlining the council’s history and a complimentary can huggie.
Submitted by State Treasurer, Tom Johnson