Twenty years ago, Pathway of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center first opened its doors in Central City in Muhlenberg County, with the desire to give hope to young pregnant women who found themselves in what seemed like a potentially hopeless situation. They provided support and help with obtaining clothing and food for the newborns, as well as helping to arrange medical assistance where needed.
In the years since that opening, Pathway of Hope has grown in size and services. They are currently in their fourth location, an ADA compliant building in Greenville near the hospital, and have served nearly 2,000 clients, now providing Pregnancy Options Counseling, Peer Counseling, Pregnancy Loss Counseling, Adoption Plan Assistance, Post Abortion Counseling, and many other services. They also provide abstinence until marriage education for clients, public and private schools, churches, as well as groups and organizations. The Center is 100% supported through donations and provides all services free of charge.
In their need to continue to support expectant mothers, Pathway of Hope Director Diana Anderson reached out to the Knights of Columbus to help them begin providing ultrasound services. The Fr. Joseph O’Donnell Council of Beaver Dam and Morgantown gladly took up this challenge. The local Council worked to get approval from the Diocese of Owensboro, and from the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus to begin fundraising efforts to provide a new ultrasound machine.
When the need became evident to other Knights of Columbus Councils across Western Kentucky, checks began pouring in. Seven other Knights of Columbus Councils and one Fourth Degree Assembly sent donations to assist in purchasing the ultrasound equipment needed. Donations also came in from several individuals, and from the Pickin’ Life Project, which raises funds to support four pregnancy resource centers in Western Kentucky.
On Tuesday, October 8, the ultrasound equipment was delivered; on Monday, October 14, the staff at Pathway of Hope began training on the use of the new machine, and on January 15, 2025, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for the ultrasound machine at the Pathway of Hope facility. Representatives from the Muhlenberg County Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus Council, State Representative Rebecca Raymer, Judge Executive Mack McGehee, Pathway of Hope staff and board members as well as many community supporters witnessed the ribbon-cutting and an actual ultrasound of expectant mother and baby. Deacon Don Adams, St. Joseph Parish, Central City, was on-hand to bless the new machine, as well as the expectant mother.
Many thanks to all who worked fundraising efforts, to Councils and individuals who donated, and to the Supreme Council for providing resources in such a needed and worthy program.