Mary Queen Council #14372 in Lexington grilled burgers for Bishop Stowe’s cookout for seminarians. Pictured L-R Bishop John Stowe, GK Jim Wharton, Mike Carpenter, Ron Barnhill, Jack Spring.
Donation to Right to Life
Mary Queen council 14372 in Lexington made a $125.00 donation to Right to Life of Central Kentucky. Presented by Grand Knight Jim Wharton (right) to Dave Holzwarth (PGK and also President of Right to Life of Central Kentucky)
Mount Mercy Council 12604
Mount Mercy Council 12604 in Pewee Valley.
Kettlecorn for VBS
Christ The King Vacation Bible school concluded with huge bash for the children, parents and volunteers. Over 200 attendees, including Bishop J. Stowe, attended. Council 14130 (Cathedral of Christ the King) cooked over 200 burgers and hotdogs, but the fan-favorite is their special Kettlecorn. 14130 has supported the end of the summer bash for Vacation Bible School for three years, it’s been a great relationship between the Knights and the parish’s Coordinator of Children’s Catechesis – Karen Kirkland. There was a great turnout for a fun evening.
Council 16206 Painting Party
The Father John Garvey H.M. Council at Jesus Our Savior Catholic Church in Morehead Kentucky, has been serving the Church since their inception. This week was an example of us giving back. On Wed 7/22 the date of Our Knights monthly, “Night of Adoration” was started by the undertaking of a “Painting Party”. The rectory’s Deck was visibly in need of a face lift. The Knights jumped right in. A group of Knights painted on Wed. and applied a second coat early Saturday morning. The deck looks great!! Our Rectory and Newman Center – the center aimed at serving the needs of Morehead State University Catholic students, are now ready for the Fall semester, and our new Priest.
Christ the King 16232 Scottsville
State Deputy Frank Shay visited Christ the King Council 16232 in Scottsville.