State Deputy Frank Shay visited council 12774 in Lexington on September 9th. At the meeting the council was supporting all six of the K of C program areas.
15681 Council Visit
State Deputy Frank Shay visited Council 15681 in Lawrenceburg on September 8th. One of the things they did at the meeting was plan a Parish Ministries Luncheon.
$2400.00 for Union County Volunteer Fire Department
Attached is a picture of myself and the Volunteer Fire Chief, Les Piper of the Uniontown Volunteer Fire Department. Our council is donating $2,400 to the UCVFD, this is the 40% of the net profit from our bingo that we earmarked for the fire department. Starting on Sept 1st we’ll be donating the 40% to the John Paul II school.Tom Musser GK 1367
Morehead ultrasound blessing and dedication
On September 4th Bishop John Stowe blessed the new ultrasound machine at Hope Pregnancy Center in Morehead Kentucky. This machine was purchased through Supreme’s Ultrasound Initiative program. From Supreme’s website: “The program encourages state and local Knights councils to assist qualified pregnancy resource centers in their areas by raising half the cost of an ultrasound machine. The K of C Supreme Council’s Culture of Life Fund then matches those dollars to contribute to the purchase of a machine, with the cost per machine starting at about $20,000. To date, Knights of Columbus councils have spent nearly $7.5 million, with just over $7.5 million provided by the Supreme Council. The total value of the ultrasound machines provided thus far is nearly $26 million.”
Bluegrass Council #762 in Lexington was the driving force in getting this project completed. They started this project and pushed it all they way through to the end. Funding came primarily from councils in the Lexington area through various fundraising events. In the past year, Kentucky has placed five ultrasound machines in pregnancy resource centers.
Click here to read an article published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops praising the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative.
Council 1418 Fancy Farm visit
State Deputy Frank Shay attended the council 1418 Fancy Farm business meeting on September 3rd. They were planning programs in support of their Parish, Community and those in need.
Council 10962 council visit
State Deputy Frank Shay visited the Monsignor Higdon Council 10962 in Paducah on September 2nd. They 10962 is very active in supporting local charities and parishioners in need.