1st degree in Lexington
Council 14130 in Lexington held a 1st degree exemplification on October 13th. 16 new knights were brought into the order including Bishop John Stowe.
October 2015 Newsletter
Council 1418 visit
State Deputy Frank Shay visited council 1418 in Fancy Farm. They were planning their New Year’s Dance.
Council 6743 visit
State Deputy Frank Shay visited Council 6743 in Clarkson. They were planning their annual Shop With A Knight program where they raise about $8000 and take about 70 local children of families in need shopping for Christmas. While the children get a toy they also get very basic needs like shoes, coats and other personal clothing. A good example of Charity.
Knights move Father into the Rectory
KofC Councils #1290 Bardstown & #15979 Louisville joined together to move Father Bill Hammer into the Rectory and Parish Offices of his new assignment as Pastor of St Margaret Mary.