Kehoe Council Friday Fish Fry
Kehoe Council 1764 held their first Friday Fish Fry of the season on November 6th.
Mary Queen’s Pumpkin Patch
Mary Queen Council #14372 in Lexington held a Pumpkin Patch event for the parish on October 24th. They gave away free pumpkins to children in 3rd grade and younger and they invited several other school groups to participate and a fun time was had by all. They also had a police helicopter for the kids to check out. One of the council members grew the pumpkins on his farm.
Council 12354 visit
Frank Shay visited council 12354 in Mt. Washington on November 5th. Home of the Stewards of Appalachia.
Council 1455 visit
Frank Shay visited council 1455 in Elizabethtown. They raised $9,000.00 in their Tootsie Roll Drive and they are now getting ready to cook and deliver 1,200 turkey dinners on Thanksgiving Day.
Coats for Kids
The Christ the King Council 14130 in Lexington raised enough money to purchase 48 new winter coats through Supreme’s Coats for Kids Program. These coats were given to refugees from Congo & Syria.