Basketball Slam Replacement Teams:
Membership Honor Roll 3/13/16
March 2016 Newsletter
Donation to Reath Riding Center
The Kentucky Association for the Mentally Disabled made a donation to Reath Riding Center in Taylor County to be used for a pony drawn cart for the riders. District Deputy #11 Luke Williams presented the check to Sammy Garrison. Photo by Brother David Gault.
Council 12623 St. Christopher visit
State Deputy Frank Shay visited Council 12623 St. Christopher in Radcliff on March 9th. They donated $500 for their parish youth group to attend Ignite Your Torch.
Council 6368 visit
State Deputy Frank Shay visited Fr. Dunn Council #6368 on 3/7/2016. They recently raised funds for fruit and food baskets for the needy.