Past Grand Knight Britton Hennessey of Augusta being Ordained a Transitional Deacon. A total of three Seminarians were ordained transitional deacons and all three are supported by the KofC RSVP program.
Council 1055 fish fry donation
Council 1055 in Paducah donated the proceeds from one of their fish fries to Cassidy’s Cause.
Cassidy’s Cause is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to help individuals grow and develop through recreational activities with horses. Founded in 2013 by Mike and Angie Falconite and Dara Triplett in honor of Cassidy Triplett whose love for horses continues to inspire others. Cassidy’s Cause exists primarily on charitable contributions and fundraisers.
Bishop Flaget sponsors Easter Egg Hunt after Mass
Deputy Grand Knight John Sutton helps hide eggs for 200 kids to scamper for after Sunday Mass.
Membership Honor Roll 3-26-16
St. Patrick’s Coloring Contest 2016
The 2016 Louisville Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) St. Patrick’s Coloring Contest was completed Saturday March 12th through the sustained efforts of AOH and Knights of Columbus Brothers #10682 Shaun McKiernan, #14604 John O’Doyle & Patrick Ryan, #15979 Mike Saylor & Bill Moriarity among many others.
This was the 43rd year for the AOH wax-crayon Coloring Contest for Louisville Archdiocese students. Sixteen 3rd, 2nd, & 1st place and Grand Prize Winners were chosen from over 5,000 Kindergarten through 4th Grade student entries.
The Contest Winners were presented with their original drawing in a 8″ x 10″ picture frame along with a “Coloring Contest Winner” T-shirt following Saturday March 12thNoon Mass at St Louis Bertrand Catholic Church concelebrated by Archbishop Kurtz and Reverend Edward Gorman, O.P. The Grand Prize winner also received a $100 Cashier’s Check from KING SOUTHERN Bank, one of the St. Patrick’s Parade Sponsors.
Later that same day the Contest Winners and their Parents, escorted by Brother Bill Moriarity rode in the lead float of the Louisville St Patrick’s Parade to an enthusiastic cheering crowds estimated at over 100,000.