Patsy Knoeringer presented Bill Knoeringer’s Bishop Flaget Assembly’s Fourth Degree Chalice to Father Jim Schaefer of Blessed Sacrament Church at Fr. Kehoe Council #1764 on Monday February 13, 2017
Bavarian Ice Dancing
St. Margaret Mary KofC #15979 Brother David Elder’s children competed in the 2017 Bavarian Ice Dancing Open in Oberstdorf, Germany. Christopher, 15, and Sophia Elder, 13, were selected by the US Figure Skating Athlete HighPerformance Development Department to take part in the international ice dancing competition. Christopher is a sophomore at Trinity High School and Sophia is an eighth grader at St. Margaret Mary. Earlier this year, the duo won the bronze medal at the 2017 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Kansas City, Mo.
March 2017 Newsletter
4th Degree Exemplification Postponed
The 4th Degree Exemplification that was to be held in Alexandria on April 22nd has been postponed until April 21, 2018.
February 2017 Newsletter