Council #2282 in Brandenburg, KY celebrated their 100 year anniversary on May 22. 2021. The council was chartered on May 22, 1921.
2021 State Convention Documents
Below are documents that pertain to the KY State Convention that will take place on May 15, 2021. If you are a delegate for your council, please look over these documents before May 15.
FAQs dealing with the state convention
Resolution 1: 2021-2022 Budget
Resolution 2: Pope Francis
Resolution 3: KY Bishops
Resolution 4: Past Supreme Knight
Resolution 5: Supreme Knight
Resolution 6: PSDs
Resolution 7: GKs
Resolution 8: DDs
Resolution 9: Council Milestones
Resolution 10: 50 Year Members
Resolution 11: Culture of Life
Resolution 12: Armed Forces
Resolution 13: Father Mario Tizziani
Resolution 14: PSD Gary Berkemeier
Candidacy Declaration for Steve Zanone
Candidacy Declaration for Tom Johnson
Candidacy Declaration for Luke Williams
Candidacy Declaration for Dick Burns
Candidacy Declaration for Gary Dykhuis
2020-2021 Annual Report
2021 Basket Ball Slam
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