Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supreme Council has mandated that all jurisdictions conduct their 2020 state conventions virtually in the form of a phone call rather than a traditional in-person gathering. This protects the health of our members and their families and I agree with the decision 100%. Our convention will take place on May 17, 2020, at 9am Eastern Time. Due to limitations, the only people that will be on the live call will be delegates, state officers, district deputies, and past state deputies. Everyone else will be able to listen to a recording of the call within a few days.
Because of the new audio-only format, physical handouts won’t be possible. So, I have included materials below that are concerning the business we will conduct on May 17th. This information is for all to see, but if you are a delegate, please make sure to review it before the call on May 17th. The first document below is the Annual Report. This is a list of the business during the last year. This also includes the minutes from last year’s state convention. At the end of that document are copies of the resolutions that will be considered during the state convention call.
The second document below is the Convention Book aka the Ad Book. Because most of the ads had already been received before the convention became a virtual convention, we proceeded with the creation of the book as usual. All councils and/or people that placed (and paid for) an ad in this year’s book will receive a credit for an equal-sized ad in next year’s book at no charge.
The third document below is the Special Rules of Order for 2020 State Council Virtual Meetings. This was provided by the Supreme Council.
Vivat Jesus,
Cameron Peck
State Deputy