Today marks 102 years from the day that Mary appeared to the children of Fatima. The parish ladies organization, Hands of Mary, and members of Council 11470 joined together to publicly recite the Rosary along with additional prayers provided by America Needs Fatima. I was happy to organize the event with Barbara Stripplehoff and look forward to the next one. In total there were 27 participants. Fr. Linh lead the procession and members of the group alternated reciting the decades in English & Spanish. Immaculate Mary was sung between each decade and the group, lead by Father Linh, chanted the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We concluded by repeating the Divine Praises after Father and singing O Sanctissima.
Today’s event is exactly what the Faith In Action initiative is all about. Members of the Knights of Columbus joining with our pastor and parishioners in publicly professing our Catholic Faith.
Submitted by State Treasurer, Tom Johnson